In Times Like These

We  are living in perilous times.  These are times of uncertainty, tension and frustration.  Times when people don’t know whether there are going to be a future for our country or not.  There are several factors that are affecting the direction in which our nation are headed.  People in our society, young and old are confused and really … More In Times Like These

Keep Hope Alive

Hello World, I am delighted to be speaking on my favorite subject.  Hope is something we all need to tresure and keep in our hearts.  We should try not to ever get to the point where we feel like life isn’t worth living, because it is.  Life is  beautiful and is meant to be enjoyed to … More Keep Hope Alive

Keep The Faith

There are going to be days when it appears as if everything you touch turn to mush. Don’t give up and get discouraged. The thing to do is continue to have faith. Believe that things are going to get better, they simply cannot get any worse than that which you are experiencing right now. Please … More Keep The Faith